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Welcome to the Seahorse and Co Store!

About Our Store:

The mission of Seahorse and Co is to be for naturalists. Whether it's someone just begining to be interested in animals to life long proffesionals we hope to inspire and faciliate curiosity about our planets biodiversity. One of the main ways we are doing this is by creating free online resources like identification guides and videos. The purpose of this store is to create unique products in line with this vision while giving enthusiasts an opportunity to support the website and our mission. Proceeds from this store will go towards keping the website online, making expansions to the identification guides, and the creation of more educational videos. 


Products in these stores are printed on demand by a third-party printing service. This print on-demand model helps reduce overproduction and allows me to direct my focus to making the website better!

Created by Chandler Olson

Last Updated: 04/18/2024

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